Moving the Body ~ Betters the Mind
When we were babies and toddlers, almost every movement we made formed part of our rudimentary learning curve. Discovering our physical selves in relationship with the world around us was an endlessly tactile experience informing much of our essential development.
Movement soon transforms into Play, with a little encouragement, and of course this helps advance mental and physical development throughout childhood. The natural freedom to gain knowledge and understanding while having fun also keeps children and young people healthy, particularly during Active Play

During many stages of childhood and formal education, learning appears to focus primarily on the senses 'sight & sound'. But in fact the whole body is engaged in the learning process, physical movement and touch being an integral part of thinking.
Latest research into Embodied Cognition (*updated link), highlights the benefit of incorporating bodily movements into learning activities. Even subtle movements can improve comprehension and memory - for instance 'Bodily rooted learning allows the learner to develop a "feel" for the concept being described'.

Sedentary behaviours including many hours spent sitting down each day, are now understood to pose numerous threats to health & wellbeing. Physical In-activity has become one of the biggest public health challenges of the 21st century.
In response to this and other preventable health issues on the rise, Glimpse devised some profoundly effective digital health solutions over recent years, to encourage regular movement, improve health and prevent disease.
Could innovative technology, including interactive content, used within the school environment provide practical ways to protect children's health & wellbeing? Could use of the same innovations also improve and enhance learning? Glimpse certainly think so and are keen to find out what children think and 'feel' about these opportunities too.
[This article was first published in 2015]